Sunday 15 September 2013

I'm sure you've noticed that when you walk into the local grocery store, Walmart or onto an air plane, you are greeted by someone who seems delighted that you've arrived. It's because customers who feel valued are more likely to buy what is being sold AND come back. It is vital that our students believe that their teachers are happy to see them every day as well. The following is from the 10 Minute Inservice by Todd Whitaker. I think it's a great message.

A Smile Can Go a LONG Way!

A teacher's smile can be contagious for even the most disaffected students. A teacher who smiles at every student, every day is saying, "I'm happy you're here, I'm happy to be teaching you, and this is a safe, pleasant environment." This is the kind of environment that promotes optimal learning. Students who believe that we are genuinely happy to see them each day are much more likely to learn from us. And, sadly, for some students, school is the only place where adults are happy to see them.

Standing at the door each day doesn't necessarily constitute "greeting." A teacher standing at the door saying, "Come on in,  Hurry up and get busy, Your work is on the board, Let's go, the bell is about to ring..." is not greeting students. An effective greeting is standing at the door with a smile and greeting students with remarks such as...
1. Good morning!
2. How are you today?
3. How was lunch/recess?
4. I'm happy to see you today.
5. I love your new haircut!
6. Welcome back...we missed you yesterday!

The key to a successful greeting is to show your students that you're elated to see them every day and that you miss them when they leave you. If you can convince students that you feel this way about them, you will see their behaviour improve immediately. The happier we appear-even when we're exhausted or cranky-the happier our students will be.

I will be making an extra effort to greet students in the school at the beginning and end of each break. I hope I will also see all of you in the halls greeting your students with enthusiasm.

If students arrive and leave on a happy note,
better behaviour and learning you're sure to promote!

This video has the best message! Be MORE AWESOME today.

Davison's Hi5s for this week!

 1. We love our Reading Buddies!


 2. We can build bridges and boats in Science.

3. We are mindful of the physical environment and how this impacts learning.

4. We are a NO EXCUSES school! Classrooms are making their pledges and students and teachers are using the language.

5. Our Pre Kindergarten Pancake Breakfast and Open House was a success! Looking forward to our PreK students starting on Monday. 

6. We work collaboratively to set goals for learning improvement. Learning without Limits...Achievement for All! 

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