Sunday 29 September 2013

Why We Run: The Terry Fox Marathon of Hope

As some of you know, I lost a very dear friend to cancer on Friday morning and I'm sure all of you have been affected by this horrible disease. Raising awareness and finding a cure for cancer is very dear to my heart.

The Terry Fox Run is an opportunity for us to talk about our school value: We Nurture and how raising awareness and money is a way to contribute to our community. Here are some links I came across to with resources and lessons plans on Terry Fox.

The Terry Fox Foundation

Terry Fox ESPN

This Week's Hi5s!

It was a very busy week! I can't believe we are heading into October this week.

1. You are coming to the completion of your Professional Goals and Long Range Plans. Just through the brief glancing I have done of the plans that have been submitted I see evidence of purposeful planning that will facilitate responsive teaching. Way to Go!
2. Your RTI team has finalized what the Response to Intervention process will look like in our school and we are excited to share this with you at our next ED.
3. You have worked hard to get your students working Independently during the Daily 5 and Math pods and we are starting to see our students settle into this routine. I am excited about getting to the point where we can facilitate small guided instruction with students in the upcoming few weeks.
4. Your Davison "Green Machine", once again, made us proud at the Salcoats Autumn summit on Friday. Big thanks to all of our Cross country coaches, Christa, Shaelynn, Kim & Rebecca. Good luck at the District meet on Thursday!
5. Our Open House was a great success! Thank you to everyone for coming out and contributing to this success. The parents of our community are happy knowing that their children are in awesome hands.

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